Fighting for Accountability, Transparency, Autonomy, Democracy.

It's time for SHIFT CHANGE!

Through multiple discussions with nurses across the union in different workplace settings the nurses who organized the Shift Change slate are building a platform for areas we wanted to change about our union. As such this is a living document we are constantly working to improve. If you want to join our organizing, here is a link to get in touch! Just want to drop us a line? Email us!


We believe, both elected and rank and file leadership have the responsibility to ensure nurses receive optimum representation, with the necessary support, education, and training to organize, advocate, and effectively fight together in their workplace, their communities and beyond, supported and facilitated by directors and staff.
Creating a new clearly defined organizational code of ethics and conduct, and measurable professional performance standards, will ensure the highest quality of leadership and representation for the membership.


We believe, nurses have a right to know how their union works and must be empowered with knowledge, so they are enabled to participate in their own union effectively and fairly. Nurses must have access to all active and enforceable bylaws, rules, and or policies and procedures that outline union practices of governance,
collective bargaining agreements, elections, and organizational structure.
Trust is earned and maintained through consistent truthful communications, and effective notification to the membership of all union meetings, actions, and conferences so nurses may attend and actively


We believe, nurse leaders are elected by the membership and serve to effectively support, and accurately reflect, the opinions and will of the Nurse membership.
Rank and File nurses must be provided with the genuine ability to independently effect change in their own union. Amendments and or additions to existing bylaws must be supported by a functional, public, and democratic application and review process.


We believe, All union nurses should have a voice in their union and be able to express their thoughts, opinions, andpoints of view, even opposing ones, without fear of retaliation, subjugation, intimidation, or censorship by leadership, staff, or peers.
Union nurses must be empowered to effectively guide and shape the work of their union through fair and Democratic elections. Having easily accessible public calendars of local, state, and national elections will enable nurses sufficient time to properly educate and organize themselves, engage in discussions with
membership, and debate openly with incumbents for elected positions. The highest efforts must be made to ensure every eligible nurse directly receives a Consent to Serve and ballot to vote.